3 best free font sites
/Choosing the right font for your branding is important business, especially when there are soooooo many choices.
Where to get more fonts: There are a lot of free font website that you can view and download your favourite font. But beware, there are a few things to keep in mind when you download a font from the internet.
Sometimes they can carry viruses with them so make sure you have some virus protection installed on your computer.
They could be "FREE" but subject to a licensing agreement that says for personal use only... you cant use them for commercial use. Which means a logo or on your website or anything to do with your business. Remember, the person that designed the font needs to make a living somehow too.
The 3rd thing to remember is as a designer, I have bought (yes bought!!) hundreds and hundreds of fonts over the years, I have bought them so that I can use them in clients logos and branding etc, however Its illegal for me to distribute those fonts. If a client wants to use them on their marketing material etc, they will need to buy them themselves.
Some of my favourite (almost) free font websites:
Font squirrel is a great one, apart from having a super cute name most of the font on here are not only free they are commercial free, meaning you can use them for your business. Its super easy to use and the search is great and you can be as specific as you like. It also has a really great "testdrive" feature ao you can test out your font before you download it.
Front-page of fontsquirrel.
You can also use a "test-drive" feature to see how your font will look before you download it.
Google fonts
I'm loving google fonts, not only is it super clean design its really easy to use. All the fonts on here a free and commercial free, meaning you can use them for any project you like. The search feature is great, it can be narrowed down to find the font that you need. You can view a sample of your font right there in the window without having to select it, change the size and font weight right there. Also you can change the background colour so you can see how the font will look when it's revered or on yellow...That's pretty cool!
Da font is another great one, this one has been around forever, I remember using it when I was at collage 20 years ago, unfortunately back then there were very few font available for a mac, but that's not the case anymore, most fonts can be used on any platform.
Is probably not my favourite site anymore, but it does have some wild and wacky font to choose from. I like that the categories are along the top so you can quickly get to the exact font style you are looking for, and the subcategory is great too, for example you wanted a script font that has a graffiti look to it you just click that category and you get loads of choses.
So that's my favourites free font sites, whats your favourite font website? Comment below and don't forget to LIKE this post. :)