My opinion on the Coon Cheese rebrand
I have been asked a couple of times what my opinion on the Coon cheese rebrand is.
Well, first off I actually wouldn’t consider it a rebrand, its simple just a name change. What do I think of the new name? I don’t mind it, I have thought for a long time that the previous name was offensive and it should have been changed a long time ago. Yes yes, I know it was named after, Edward William Coon back in 1926. But at the end of the day, if even one person is offended by it then it should be changed. I’ve been watching social media and there has been a lot of rants about it being the wrong move for the company and political correctness overload, and they have threatened to boycott the company… well those people likely don’t even buy it, and were never going to be loyal customers anyway!
So back to the name change… CHEER…I really like it! Its obviously cheerful and its almost CHEESE. It goes great with the new slogan CHEER™ Cheese celebrates the “extra little bit of happiness” found in your every day. I like that it has also start with a C and have 2 Es! (I feel another slogan coming on … !)
The treatment of the actual logo is what has impressed me the most… They could of gone for a complete rebrand – whole new look, new logo, new colours, new name… but sensibly they didn’t! I think it took some restraint to keep the branding exactly the same, it’s seamless, and clever! If you were a 4 year old and couldn’t read… you would still recognise it as the cheese you love! That’s clever! Brand recognition is everything and their loyal customers won’t care about the name change, they only care about the cheese inside.
You can read the media release here.
What do you think of the new name?? Will you still buy it? Comment below.